Vendor Directory

Please read the directions below.

Commodity Information can be added by selecting commodity codes from the boxes inside the Search Commodity Codes and Browse Commodity Codes tabs directly below.

When clicking on the Select Commodity Codes button in either tab, the selected commodity codes from that tab will be added to the Selected Commodities box and will also clear out both tab boxes.

To search by commodity code description, use the textbox below and click on the Find Commodity Codes button.

Helpful Hints:
  • Use one word searches - e.g. Construction Services - use "Construction"; Lawn Services - use "Lawn"
  • Codes can be searched by description "Construction", code number "912-23", or category number "912"
If descriptions are found, they will be displayed in a table below. Click on the checkboxes in the table then click on the Select Commodity Codes button to add them to your Selected Commodities.

To browse by commodity category, click on one of the letter links below. The letter links only alphabetizes the categories, not the codes themselves. If you select a category checkbox, then the codes within that category will also be selected so please verify the codes within that category.

Moving from one letter link to the next without first clicking on the Select NIGP Codes button will clear out your selection for that group of codes so please click on the Select Commodity Codes button if you have selected any codes within that group before clicking on another letter.

A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z  

Selected Commodities:*